Permit Submittal Services

PO BOX 413 - Lockwood, Ca 93932

Office - (805) 610-6121    -     Fax - (831) 385-9463



The permitting requirements for development in unincorporated Monterey County can range from a simple building permit that can be issued over-the-counter to a complex planning permit requiring several public hearings and extensive environmental review.

·         Grading Permit -*

FEE: $ 600.00

·         Building Permit Submittal

FEE: $ 600.00

·         Archaeological- Check with a planner to determine if your proposed project requires an archaeological review/report.

FEE: $ 350.00

·         Minor Planning Permits - Lot line adjustments, Administrative permits, minor subdivisions, variances.  These include Development on Slopes over 30%, Ridgeline Development, Hotels, and Service Stations. 

FEE: $1,200.00

·         Soils Report  -   (per site location) on Minor Sub divisions

FEE:  $150.00

  • Variances-  A variance is a permit that allows a property owner to construct a structure that does not meet development standards specified in the Zoning Ordinance. 

FEE:  $800.00 





Through all of our efforts we are building futures for our  home owners and developers  including the environment. Our community responsibility efforts and environmental planning are helping us to be both good neighbors and an environmentally responsible consultants.

As Master Consultants we serve the needs of the people, and are happy to be a part of building a better America.



*  Geotech Report Requirements- Will be required for ALL permits.